Ananta Vaishnavi Movva

I'm a


Hello, I'm Ananta Vaishnavi Movva, an ambitious programmer,open source contributor, and web developer from India. I am fascinated by machine learning and artificial intelligence. Competitive coding intrigues me because I enjoy finding rational answers to problems.


I am a second-year computer science student at Gandhi Institute of Technology. I have a quick mind and can solve problems with a great ease, thus I am naturally gifted to solve questions realted to critical thinking.

  • Birthday: 25 Nov 2003

  • College: GITAM

  • Age: 19

  • Degree: Bachelor of Technology

I enjoy experimenting with new ideas and strive to make things unique. The best thing about me is my ability to balance time and deliver quality assured application. My overall personality is strengthened by my unwavering passion for the pursuit of my goals and my persistent attitude.

My Skills

C Language




Image Processing

Chrome Extension Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript



Natural Language Processing (NLP)



Data Analysis



Bachelor of Technology, Computer science Engineering (AI/ML)

2021 - 2025

Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh, India


Geek Goddess'22 Finalist

Geek Goddess is the largest women's hackathon.
Got selected as finalist from a pool of 75,000+ and became one of the top 500 women coders in India. Data Structures and Algorithms: Excellently scored 100/100 in the screening and Semi Finale round. Competitive Coding: Demonstrated problem-solving and successfully cleared all the rounds.

Social Winter of Code Contributor

I am a contributor to the Social Winter of Code, a 3-month open-source program, where I worked with a team to develop and improve open-source projects.

NASA Space Apps Challenge Contributor

World’s largest annual hackathon.
Participated in a team to develop a 3D map of the moon using matplotlib and pyplot. Created a visual 3D representation of earthquakes on the moon to better understand its geology and seismic activity. Presented the project to a panel of judges and received recognition for our innovative approach.

Hacktoberfest Contributor

Open Source Contribution: Successfully contributed to open source projects on GitHub, including the voice bot and criminal detection system repositories. This experience further developed my skills in open source contribution and reinforced my passion for collaborating on and contributing to open source projects. Python: Utilized my skills in Python and machine learning to make meaningful contributions to these projects.

Mentorship, Skills Development, and Recognition

Harvard WEAmplify Scholar'23

The Harvard WECode largest women conference organized by undergraduate women at Harvard University. I Have been selected as Harvard WEAmplify Scholar which provides a free conference ticket for this global event.

SheCodes Foundation Scholar

SheCodes is a women specific training program which helps women develop front end development skills.
=> Recived SheCodes Foundation scholarship to acess attend their workshops for free.
=> Undergoing front end web development training

Udacity Next Generation Tech Booster'23 Scholar

=> Selected for Next Generation Tech Booster Challenge: Challenge: Front End Developer program.
=> One among 500 to recieve scholarship in front end domain. Mentee

I am a mentee at, where I am mentored in data structures and algorithms and collaborate with others to develop my skills.




+91 9494 752 864

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